Quebec reopens all three investment programs to the qualified applicants

Quebec Investor Program

Participants can obtain permanent residence through passive investment of $1.2 million
The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program will reopen September 10 for a total of 1,900 applications.

This typically popular program is the only provincial immigration stream that allows applicants to obtain permanent residence through a passive investment.
As a result, quotas for the  (QIIP) generally fill quickly. A maximum of 1,330 applications will be accepted from China (including Hong Kong and Macau) during the intake period, which is scheduled to remain open until March 15, 2019.
The main modifications include higher net asset and investment requirements, which have been raised to CAD $2 million and CAD $1.2 million, respectively.
The previous requirements were net assets of CAD $1.6 million and an investment of CAD $800,000.
The investment must be for a five-year term with a subsidiary of Investissement Quebec and the investment agreement must be made through a financial intermediary authorized to participate in the QIIP.
The investment of CAD $1.2 million is guaranteed by the Quebec government and will be returned in full after five years.
Other eligibility requirements include being over 18 years of age, having management experience, intending to settle in the province of Quebec and obtaining a passing score under Quebec’s points system.

Quebec Entrepreneur program

The program will accept applications from qualified applicants under 2 components :The program will accept applications from qualified applicants under 2 components :
Component One : this is focused on new businesses or startups established in the province with the support of a business incubator / accelerator or university in the province. and obtain minimum require points against the eligibility criteria.
Component Two: selection through this component  is focused on owner-funded and operated businesses.
Candidates under Component Two of Quebec's Entrepreneur Program are awarded points for factors that include education level, areas of training, age, language proficiency in French and English, and stay and family in Quebec.
The following are the minimum requirements for meeting the cut-off threshold for Component Two:


While the applicant can operate the business with a spouse or common-law partner, there are no additional points awarded for an applicant with a spouse or common-law partner.

Quebec Self-Employed program:

The Quebec Self-Employed Worker Program grants qualified individuals the opportunity to obtain permanent residence provided they can effectively establish themselves as an independent tradesperson or professional in the province.
Note: The Quebec government announced that it will accept 50 applications under the Quebec Self-Employed Worker Program between August 15, 2018, and March 31, 2019.
Quebec welcomes self-employed foreign nationals interested in coming to Quebec to work as an independent tradesperson or professional. In addition to meeting the minimum requirements for the program, the Government of Quebec says the self-employed worker must accept the following conditions:

Requirement for the Quebec Self-Employed Worker Program
Quebec's Immigration Ministry, the Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Diversité et de l'Inclusion (MIDI), says that foreign nationals interested in obtaining permanent residence in Quebec under the Self-Employed Worker Program must be at least 18 years of age and meet other program requirements.
To be considered for selection, self-employed workers based in Montreal must register a start-up deposit of $50,000 or more at a local financial institution. Candidates based in regions outside of Montreal will have to deposit at least $25,000.
All Self-Employed Worker Program candidates must meet the passing score under the Quebec Economic Class selection grid for the Quebec Self-Employed Program.
All Quebec Self-Employed Worker applicants must demonstrate the intention to reside in Quebec. During the review of an application, Quebec Self-employed candidates may be invited to attend a selection interview.

The following are the minimum requirements for the program:

  • Minimum secondary school general diploma
  • Minimum 2 years of work experience as a self employed
  • Minimum net worth of 100,000 Canadian dollars
  • Agree to register a start up deposit of 50,000 to start a business based in metropolitan of Montreal or 25000 outside of metropolitan of Montreal.
