The Express Entry New Brunswick Labour Market Stream has temporarily reopened to Expressions of Interest from skilled workers with work experience in software engineering and nine other occupation categories. In an update published January 30, the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) reported that the stream is opening to those with work experience in one of the 10 following priority occupations:
NOC 2173: Software engineers and designers
NOC 2171: Information systems analysts and consultants
NOC 2281: Computer network technician
NOC 2172: Database analysts and data administrators
NOC 2174: Computer programmers and interactive media developers
NOC 6322: Cooks
NOC 0631: Restaurant and food service managers
NOC 1311: Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
NOC 0311: Managers in health care
NOC 6211: Retail sales supervisors
Potential applicants to this stream must also have attended one of the NBPNP’s information sessions in the previous 24 months.
Potential applicants are not required to have an existing profile in the federal Express Entry system but they will have to create one if they are successfully nominated by New Brunswick. As a result, the NBPNP will only consider potential applicants who score a minimum of 67 points out of 100 in the selection factors and meet the eligibility criteria for the Federal Skilled Worker Class.
Once the stream closes again, the NBPNP says it will only be accepting EOIs from individuals currently working in New Brunswick or individuals with a job offer from a company in New Brunswick. The NBPNP will also continue to accept EOIs from candidates whose first language is French and who have experience in one of the 10 priority occupations listed above